Advanced Cooperation

South-East Europe
Corporate Security



Croatia currently presides

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“South-East Europe Corporate Security Association” (SEECSA) was established at the formal opening of the International Conference “Days of corporate security”, which takes place 21st March 2012 in Ljubljana. Presidents of the founding national associations of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia were officially signed the charter of the International Association establishment. This represent important step towards the implementation of corporate security in dynamic security environment in region of SE Europe.


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2024. June 14.

Strengthening security before the summer tourist season

Professional consultations dedicated to the protection of persons and property, protection and rescue, fire protection and occupational safety were held on June 11, 2024 at the Splendid Hotel. This significant event, organized in cooperation with the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro, brought together leading experts from these fields, as well as representatives of relevant state institutions.

The event was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. Petar Koprivica, and acting the secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mrs. Dragana Đurišić, which confirmed the importance of this topic for our community and institutions. Among those present were Miodrag Bešović, director general of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue, and Zoran Kujović, director general of the Directorate for Security and Surveillance Affairs, whose participation was extremely important for the success of the event.

The arrival of the summer season and the increased number of guests bring greater security challenges. Through presentations and discussions, lecturers shared their rich knowledge and experience, providing participants with valuable insights and practical advice for improving safety standards and practices in their organizations. The lecturers were renowned experts: Veselin Rmuš, Head of the Directorate for Supervision in the Area of ​​Protection of Persons and Property and Detective Activities, Milan Baltić, Head of the Directorate for Security Affairs, Ljuban Tmušić, Head of the Directorate for Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction, and Miroslav Jaredić, specialist in the field of fire protection and occupational safety.

The consultations were attended by responsible persons in the security sector from the private and public sectors, who actively participated in the discussions and exchange of experiences. This interaction contributed to a better understanding of the challenges we face and to the identification of solutions that will improve the protection of persons and property, protection and rescue, fire protection and safety at work.

The Association of Security Managers of Montenegro, as a representative professional organization of legal and natural persons engaged in security affairs in the public and private sector in Montenegro, aims to raise the security culture to a higher level with the exchange of experiences and the application of best practices in daily work,” he said. is Dragan Radulović, president of the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro.

2024. June 08.

Completed 8th Module and at the same time the second cycle of specialist training for corporate security managers

The Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers (SAMKB) in cooperation with the Business Academy of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and the Association of Corporate Security Managers of the SEE (SEECSA) has implemented this year’s second specialist training in the field of corporate security. In the premises of the Faculty of Business Studies and Law, on June 7, 2024, the last 8th Module on the topic of “Business intelligence and corporate investigations” was held as part of the specialist training of corporate security managers.

It should be noted that this last module, like all the previous ones, proved to be extremely interesting for security managers and showed the interest of the professional public in the specialist training program for corporate security managers, and it was successfully implemented, gathering over 15 participants from the largest Serbian business systems.

The lecturer of the eighth Module was Prof. Dr. Dragan Trivan, president of the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers (SAMKB) and vice-president of the Southeast Europe Corporate Security Association (SEECSA). Prof. Trivan is a full professor at the University, author of several manuals, textbooks and monographs in the field of corporate security, detective work and private security published in the country and abroad. He participated in the drafting of several laws and standards in the field of security.

Some of the topics covered in this last eighth module included the following topics: the origin and development of Business Intelligence (BI); basic concepts of BI; intelligence information; Business decision-making and introduction of BI in the company; stages of BI; Business counterintelligence; basis of detective work and internal investigation. After completing the module, participants will be able to apply the principles of business intelligence work in their work, and to undertake measures and actions aimed at protecting the business system from the unwanted action of business espionage and/or Business Intelligence.

Prof. Dr. Dragan Trivan, president of the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers (SAMKB) and vice-president of the Association of Corporate Security Managers of Southeast Europe (SEECSA) at the very end, greeted the attendees and thanked the participants of the second generation of specialist training for corporate security managers, for recognizing the importance of corporate security in companies and they attended a complete specialist training program, which consisted of 8 modules. According to Prof. Trivan, in addition to the professional knowledge that the training participants received through all these modules they attended, one of the biggest benefits of this course is that the participants got to know each other better and had the opportunity to connect, which can be of great importance to them in further his professional work.

We would also like to point out that the complete training program showed a great interest of the professional public in this year’s specialist training program for corporate security managers and it was successfully implemented, bringing together 15 participants from the largest Serbian business sys SAMKB, as one of the founders of the Southeast Association of Corporate Security Managers (SEECSA), will continue the implementation of the aforementioned specialized training in the fall, when the third generation of participants will begin training.

This is also an opportunity to invite all interested future candidates to apply on time through the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers (SAMKB) for the mentioned training, which we plan to start during the month of November this year. The specialist training for corporate security managers was completed by awarding diplomas to participants who successfully completed the entire program of specialist training for corporate security managers, as well as certificates to participants who completed individual modules.tems.

2024. May 20.

The 15th International Corporate Security Days 2024 Conference concluded successfully.

We have added another successful chapter to the traditional 15th International Conference “Corporate Security Days 2024”. The two-day meeting once again impressed visitors with its outstanding programme, which took place in the idyllic surroundings of the Congress Centre at Brdo pri Kranju.

This anniversary edition of this prestigious event offered a series of excellent lectures and round table discussions with strategic leaders and the most prominent experts in the field of corporate security. Among the invited guests, the Minister of Digital Transformation of the Republic of Slovenia, Emilija STOJMENOVA DUH PhD., the Director of the Information Security Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Uroš SVETE PhD. and MSc. Alen OSTOJIĆ, Chairman of the SEECSA officially opened the event on the first day with their speeches and lectures. We have pleasure also to hosted all presidents from partner regional associations form Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro dr. Dragan TRIVAN and Mr. Dragan RADULOVIĆ.

The highlight of the first day of the event was the strategic discussion on “The Security Operations Centre (SOC) of the Energy Sector is Becoming a Reality – Challenges and Opportunities”, where we managed to bring together the most important strategic actors of the energy sector. This exceptional meeting brought together eminent representatives such as Msc. Aleksander MERVAR, Director of ELES d.o.o., Msc. Boris KUPEC, Chairman of the Board of Elektro Celje d.d., Msc. Vesna PRODNIK, Member of the Board of Telekom Slovenije, d.d., Msc. Uroš KOSELJ, Director of Savske elektrarne Ljubljana d.o.o., Mr. Pavel ŠKERLJ, Executive Director of the Information Technologies Sector of HSE d.o.o., Msc. Jože KNAVS, univ. dipl. Director, Informatika d.o.o. and Mr. Dejan BOŽIČ, Director of the Energy Sector, SDH d.d.

On the first and second days, we had the opportunity to see a lot of high-profile lectures and very rich roundtable discussions, with participants representing strategic management and the top of the professional community. Through their presentations on both the first and second day, the conference sponsors presented us with the latest products in the technology and process area that can help us in the future to effectively manage risks around corporate security, with a special focus on cyber security and ensuring the resilience of our organisations.

The highlight of the second day was the award ceremony of the prestigious “Slovenian Grand Security Award”, where we were joined by the guests of honour, the President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Marko LOTRIČ, and the Minister of the Interior, MSc. Boštjan POKLUKAR.

This year’s recipients of the prestigious “Slovenian Grand Security Award”, which is awarded by the Institute for Corporate Security Studies, ICS-Ljubljana, in cooperation with the Slovenian Corporate Security Association and is given to selected institutions and individuals for their innovative contribution in the field of security development and enforcement.

A whole series of professional events throughout the conference programme once again enabled the weaving of new professional acquaintances, the exchange of new experiences and, of course, the professional affirmation of individual experts and security solution providers. This year’s conference paid particular attention to the factors that increase the resilience of critical infrastructure and essential service providers. This understanding of business continuity is a key factor for the proper functioning of the wider societal environment.

Once again, we congratulate all today’s winners, and we would like to thank everyone who was part of this excellent event and bid you goodbye until the next international conference “Corporate Security Days 2025”. Until then, stay on the safe side of the world with the experience we have gained together at the just concluded event.

It is also worth mentioning the reception of new members to the Slovenian Corporate Security Association and the awarding of membership cards, as well as the last, but no less important, discussion of the top professionals in the field of corporate security, which also took place on the second day of the conference.

2024. Mar 30.

Montenegro to be persistent in the professionalization of security services: Security managers becoming increasingly important

Montenegro must be safe for those who live there, but also for those who come to visit it, which is why we must be persistent in the process of professionalization the security services, said the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović. These words marked the opening ceremony of the First International Conference of Montenegrin Security Managers that was held in Budva on April 20 and 21, organized by the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro in cooperation with the South-East Europe Corporate Security Association. The conference was attended by security experts from Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, North Macedonia, Albania, France, the Netherlands, Israel, Finland and Great Britain.

Given that the Association of Security Managers signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with, among others, the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro, the line minister, Dragan Krapović, pointed out that security is the key priority of every state and community, and that new and ever more diversified threats and challenges require a quick, efficient and coordinated reaction. In this context, said Krapović, the role of the security manager is increasingly important.

“Security management cannot me pinned down to military actions or tactics. It is a rather complex process that requires a holistic approach and the cooperation of various social sectors. Our ability to recognize, analyse and react to various security threats directly affects the stability and prosperity of our country, but also of the region”, stated the Minister of Defence.

The goal of the conference, as explained by the president of the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro, Dragan Radulović, is to prevent and curb the so-called “risk normalization”. “As the organizers of the first security gathering of this kind in our country, we have the responsibility to send a joint and resounding message that Montenegro cannot afford the luxury to observe the global turmoil from a distance at any conclude lightly that ‘This cannot happen to us.’ Therefore, we are not expected to build systems that are unknown to the modern world, but to apply the best practice and the highest professional standards available. “Unfortunately, we are witnessing a series of crises from which should serve as lessons-learnt,” emphasized Radulović.

This, he added, is the first step towards prevention and a right way forward for professionals to try to always be one step ahead of the expected risk. “The alternative is to be surprised and taken aback in every given emergency situation. Our obligation is to recognize the risks, to present the expected scenarios in the event of a crisis and to offer recommendations in order to minimize or eliminate entirely any undesirable risk pattern “, he concluded.

Alen Ostojić, chairman of the South-East Europe Corporate Security Association, drew attention to the range of threats. “Cyber-attacks, terrorism, geopolitical tensions and open armed conflicts, supply chain vulnerability, health crises, banditry, fraud, corruption, radicalization… We face a continuous risk development, a multiple portfolio of challenges and threat vectors, domestic and international, which directly threaten the security of states, business organizations and individuals”, Ostojić reminded. The growing number of threats, he said, requires the undivided attention of companies and corporate leaders, who have a responsibility to ensure that employees and assets, business operations and customers are protected.

“The synergy between law enforcement and corporate or private security through public-private partnerships is a key pillar for increasing security and resilience of a community on a global level. The complexity of today’s security challenges requires a collaborative approach, taking advantage of the unique strengths and resources of both sectors,” he concluded.

At the two-day meeting, a number of topics were discussed, such as the protection of critical infrastructure in Montenegro and the region, challenges of modern cyber security, incident management at sea and ports, hotel security and crisis management, security of banking clients and private security in Montenegro and the region.

2024. Mar 26.

The second cycle of the Specialist Training for Corporate Security Managers has begun

The Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers (SACSM) together with the PKS Business Academy, in cooperation with the Association of Corporate Security Managers of Southeast Europe (SEECSA), has started the second cycle of a comprehensive professional development program for all professionals who want to acquire current knowledge and improve corporate security management skills using analytical data and forecasting trends.

With the task of improving the professional, economic and social status of the security profession and corporate security managers, participants are offered education in eight key areas of corporate security.

This is very important for professional managers of corporate security and at the same time the continuation of last year’s successfully held first cycle of training in the Republic of Serbia, and we are sure that the remaining modules of the second training cycle, as well as the entire education, will meet with great interest from the professional public and that as a professional Association of Managers of corporate security in Serbia to bring closer the importance and function of corporate security in business companies, whether private or public sector.

2024. Mar 11.

Reception at the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatović

...on the occasion of the First International Conference of Montenegrin Security Managers "Security - Challenges and Perspectives"

On the eve of the First International Conference of Montenegrin Security Managers “Security – Challenges and Perspectives”, the delegation of the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro had the honor of being received by the President of Montenegro, Mr. Jakov Milatovic.

At the reception, Mr. Milatovic emphasized the importance of the Association’s initiative in creating a safer social environment as a key prerequisite for the country’s economic progress. Expressing his support for this important initiative, the president emphasized the need to strengthen cooperation between the security sector and the private sector in order to improve security practices.

With the support of the President of the country, this Association, in cooperation with the Association of Corporate Security Managers of Southeast Europe, organizes the First International Conference of Montenegrin Security Managers “Security – Challenges and Perspectives”. The conference will be held on April 20 and 21 this year, providing security experts with the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences in order to improve security practices in Montenegro.

The Association of Security Managers of Montenegro invites all interested parties to join this important initiative and contribute to the creation of a safer social environment in Montenegro.

2024. Feb 19.

Podgorica - Held a seminar on Safety culture and procedures

Key steps towards a safe future

Organized by the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro, a seminar entitled “Security culture and security procedures” was successfully held today. This event represents a significant step towards raising awareness of the importance of safety culture and the implementation of safety procedures in all spheres of society.

The seminar was held with the aim of raising awareness of safety culture and implementation of safety procedures. The participants of the seminar were officers of the Police Administration and had the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest methods and practices related to the preservation of safety both in the working environment and in the wider social community.

Lecturers are key key principles and practices that help organizations improve their safety standards and ensure the safety of their employees and the  environment.

“This seminar was an exceptional opportunity for the exchange of experiences and ideas among security experts,” said Iva Vukoslavčević, Director General of the Directorate for Normative Affairs and Police Development, Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“We continue to dedicate ourselves to the promotion of safety culture and the implementation of safety procedures in our community,” said Dragan Radulović, president of the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro.

2023. Nov 16.

The 9th International Professional Conference of the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers has ended

"Corporate Security Days 2023" November 13 - 14, 2023. Hotel Movenpick Resort&Spa Fruške terme

This year, in the period from November 13-14, 2023, the 9th SAMKB International Conference “Corporate Security Days 2023” was held, organized by the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers (SAMKB) and in cooperation with the Association of Corporate Security Managers of Southeast Europe (SEECSA).

The meeting where experiences were exchanged and examples of good practice were presented brought together corporate security managers from the public and private sectors of Serbia and the countries of the region. In front of the organizers of the Conference of the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers (SAMKB) and the Association of Corporate Security Managers of Southeast Europe (SEECSA), the president Prof. Dr. Dragan Trivan spoke. All of the representatives of professional organizations in the region touched on the actuality of corporate security in SEE countries in their presentations.

2023. November

9th International Conference SACSM "Corporate Security Days 2023"

November 13 - 14, 2023. Vrdnik near Novi Sad, Serbia

We inform you that this year’s two-days 9th International Conference of the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers will be held on November 13-14, 2023. Fruške Terme in Vrdnik near Novi Sad.

Please plan the specified date for the Conference, which will be attended by around 150-200 representatives of professional associations of corporate security managers in Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, North Macedonia and Montenegro.

We will announce the official invitation letter and the preliminary agenda of the Conference in the following period. For more information, please visit the website of SACSM in the next period:

2023. September

Croatian safety days 2023 started in Opatija

Security Days 2023 conference opened in Ambassador Hotel

Today, September 27, 2023, the three-day Croatian Security Days 2023 conference opened in Opatija’s Ambassador Hotel, under the high patronage of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, which gathered more than 200 participants.

In the introductory part of the HDS 2023 Conference, Prof. Dr Dragan Trivan, president of SEECSA, addressed the audience, who welcomed the gathering and highlighted a number of activities that were implemented during the year through the SEECSA regional association. The regional education of corporate security managers continued this year, and the website of the Regional Association of Corporate Security Managers of Southeast Europe was created.

This was also the year when, in May 2023, during the International Conference of the Slovenian Institute for Corporate Security Studies joined and became a member of SEECSA and the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro from Podgorica.

In the coming period, we will be followed by two international professional conferences of security managers organized by the Association of Corporate Security of North Macedonia in the period from October 20 to 21, 2023 in Skopje, as well as the upcoming 9th International Professional Conference SAMKB, “Corporate Security Days 2023”. , which will be held in the period from November 13 to 14, 2023, at the Mövenpick Resort & Spa Fruške terme hotel in Vrdnik, said Prof. Trivan, president of SEECSA.

2023. September

Croatian Security Days 2023

Congress hall of hotel Ambasador Opatija, September 27-29, 2023.

Sign up and participate in the exchange and unification of experiences through three conference days full of top experts, panels, discussions and forums organized by the Croatian Association of Security Managers. Do not miss the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills for their application in everyday work.

You will have the opportunity to listen to lectures, discuss and socialize with leading businessmen and security managers. This will be an opportunity for many conversations about challenges in the profession, panel discussions, review of good practices, promotion of books and a handful of educational presentations about the latest technology solutions, risk management, information and cyber security. For more information about the upcoming “Croatian Security Days 2023” Conference, visit the HUMS website:

2023. May

The Association of Security Managers of Montenegro joined SEECSA

The newly joined member of the Regional Association of Security Managers of SEE also became the Association of Security Managers of Montenegro, which was accepted as a member of the Association for Corporate Security of Southeast Europe (SEECSA).

The approach was formalized as part of the international conference “Corporate Security Days” that took place on May 22 and 23, 2023 at Brdo near Kranj, where the Montenegrin delegation attended at the invitation of the Slovenian Institute for Corporate Security Studies.


Contact details about security associations



Croatian association of corporate security managers



Slovenian corporate security association



Serbian association of corporate security managers



Association of security managers of Montenegro


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